Ok, so here it comes~! New note~!
I am trying to write in English, so
if you will find any mistake, please
correct me in the comments~
I'm soooo sorry.
I told you, that I will make a gyaru make-up tutorial
and I didn't .
Actually I'm going to make it someday, but for now
I don't think I look gal enough ...
It makes me sad, but it's some kind of motivation too.
Another problem is that I don't have now moneeeeeeeey.
ughghgh. I'm not working so if I want sth I must
ask for it my mom (
I wish I could earn money, but I don't have time for that.
The same thing is with learning japanese. I don't have fuckin time,
to learn it! It's my dream
at the university. ugh. I still don't feel better . . .
Must have:
I must lost weight a bit ...
My goal: 45 kg
I must start doing sth to look like a real GAL.
So tomorrow I think I will get rid of my old clothes
I have to do it, because nothing will change
wyglądasz uroczo w tym szlafroku xD
ReplyDeleteja w przeciwienstwie do ciebie usunelam blogi pisane po ang i stwierdzilam ze wole pisac po polsku xD jak ktos bedzie chcial to sobie przetlumaczy ^^
ja tez mialam zrobic wpis z instrukcjami jak robic gyaru make up ale zapomnialam. xD
Yay <3 now I understand. :D And don't worry, your english is good. At least it's better than my. xD I wish good luck for you with gyaru goals!
ReplyDeleteOh... I srsly have no idea why there is my little sister's google account in your reader box! :O It mysteriously chanced.. Though I'm the one who's following you!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I love errors, but srsly. meybe she's logged in her google account ?
ReplyDeleteWay to goand good luck ! I wish some day I will be gal, too (♥*w*♥)
ReplyDeleteYay English post! :D Imo, you are a gyaru already! This is an honest opinion, I swear! Plus, I'm loving that Hello Kitty robe (or whatsoever) that you are wearing, so adorbz!
ReplyDeleteYou're liking Japanese stuff while I'm liking Korean stuff. They are really cuuute! Want to visit Korea and Japan somedayy. ;o;
ja mam 47 kg :D xD osiagnelam cos o czym marzylam kilka lat temu i co, wtedy, bylo czyms nieosiaglanym o czym moge jedynie pomarzyc :d ale chce jeszcze troszke.. ;___;